Thank you for purchasing our “Product Options and Customizer” Plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via our user page contact form. Thank you so much !
“Product Options and Customizer” is a most effective, fast and flexible extra product options app for shopify. This app lets you create custom fields for any shopify products.
If you sell a product that has lots of options or variants and need extra fields to show in frontend then this apps will be your best choice.
You can easily create or remove custom options. Shop owner can add field name and field level. He can add unlimited number of custom fields with values and prices.
There are seven types of field types are available such as Checkbox, Dropdown list, Radio Button, Single Line Text, Multiple Line Text, Image Upload option and Date picker. So you can add any of the field types according to you need.
“Product Options and Customizer” app is fully customizable and well implemented with all the necessary features that will make your products more importance to your customers.
“Product Options and Customizer” app has excellent features and easy to install or setup. “Product Options and Customizer” app is more flexible and compatible with many existing apps in the Shopify repository. Users can easily configure the app into the new or existing Shopify store.
//start : sc extra product options function epo_cart_get_counter(epo_cart) { var epo_total_items=epo_cart.item_count; for(epo_index =0;epo_index<epo_cart.items.length;epo_index++) { var epo_c_item=epo_cart.items[epo_index]; if(!=null && ("_ScEpoID") &&"Product")) epo_total_items = epo_total_items - epo_c_item.quantity; } return epo_total_items; } //end : sc extra product options
Follow the below steps to Property Show on Email.
1. Go to shopify admin dashboard’s Settings > Notifications > Order confirmation section and insert the following code shown in the screenshot.
{% assign property_size = | size %} {% if property_size > 0 %} <br> {% for p in %} {% assign underscore = p.first | first %} {% if underscore != '_' %} {% unless p.last == blank %} {{ p.first }}: {% comment %} Check if there was an uploaded file associated {% endcomment %} {% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %} <a href="{{ p.last }}">{{ p.last | split: '/' | last }}</a> {% else %} <span class="property-value">{{ p.last }} </span> {% endif %} <br> {% endunless %} {%else%} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
2. Now go to Settings > Notifications > New order and insert the following code shown in the screenshot.
<ul> {% assign property_size = | size %} {% if property_size > 0 %} {% for p in %} {% assign underscore = p.first | first %} {% if underscore != '_' %} {% unless p.last == blank %} <li>{{ p.first }}: {% comment %} Check if there was an uploaded file associated {% endcomment %} {% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %} <a href="{{ p.last }}">{{ p.last | split: '/' | last }}</a> {% else %} <span class="property-value">{{ p.last }} </span> {% endif %} </li> {% endunless %} {%else%} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} </ul>
Follow the below steps to Hide Customization Cost on Email.
1. Go to shopify admin dashboard’s Settings > Notifications > Order confirmation section and insert the following code shown in the screenshot.
{% if line.variant_id == shop.metafields.ExtraProductOptions.EPOHiddenVariant %} {% continue %} {% endif %}
2. Now insert the following code in the same file location shown in screenshot.
{% if and %} {% assign qty = %} {% assign epo_index = forloop.index0|plus:1 %} {% assign line_price = qty | times:line_items[epo_index].price | times: line.quantity | plus: line.line_price %} <p class="order-list__item-price">{{ line_price | money }}</p> {%else%} <p class="order-list__item-price">{{ line.line_price | money }}</p> {% endif %}
After add to cart with Extra product options it will appear the total price (products default price + extra options price).
For security reason, shopify do not allow any third party apps JS (JavaScript) on their cart or checkout page. So that we display the price options in this way.
Shopify does not allow to add any additional cost in cart page. So that to show the extra options price, we use a hidden product to add cost in your cart page.
But if you are a Shopify Plus enterprise merchant then it will be quite easier to show the entire price in your cart page.
So if you are a Shopify Plus enterprise merchant, then please email us to and we will fix the issues (modify checkout.liquid template) for you.
REMEMBER: Please don't delete or hide the product "Customization Cost". This product has been added by the app and is used to add additional costs (using price per option feature for any product) in cart, we make some liquid changes (upon receiving the staff invitatation from your store) to hide this product from all pages of your store (except checkout page), so visitors won't see this product any where on your store.
You can't delete this product. But you can change the product title from "Customization Cost" to anything you want, you can also use a different image for this product. If you want to charge tax for this product to the customer then please tick "Charge taxes on this product" and save by going to that product page in your store admin.
"Customization Cost" product will show on Checkout page ONLY if customers select a option for a product which has a price associated with it. We can't hide this from checkout page beacuse shopify does not allow to modify checkout step codes. If a customer selects a option from a product which has a price then your checkout page will look like: